Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Comedy Festival - Act Two

Two down and two to go on my list of four -tonight was David O'Doherty at the hifi bar.

Ever since hearing his "I have very mild super powers" song somewhere in tv land I have wanted to see him live. And I finally did. So why did I walk away feeling slightly disappointed? Maybe because he didnt play my fave song...

But he did play a song about text messaging (his "text emotions" facial expressions were quite brilliant) and another one about the internet. Oh and his rants for 2008 got great applause with the line "23 yr old guys should grow up and stop buying things for their car. Its not a batmobile, its a 2004 barina and blue lights underneath the exhaust will only stop junkies shooting up there."

I just wanted more. More time. More songs. More jokes. It felt somewhat rushed and wasnt even quite an hour. For a comedy show on April Fools Day it was a bit of a let down. It was kinda like when you hear at work they are having cake for a co-worker and you get excited and go upstairs but then you find the person who is cutting the cake is a miser and you only end up with a sliver.

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