Saturday, June 7, 2008


Sometimes people can change your life.

If you let them.

We are fooling ourselves if we think that we can do it all on our own.

We need to connect.

It is in our nature.

I did a search on 'change your life' and was amazed at just how many "self help" books claimed to be able to do so. They even set time limits! 'Change your life in 30 days!' 'Change your day in 3 cycles.' 'Change your life in 300 pages!' There are a lot of unhappy and unfulfilled people out there. More so, it seems, than ever before. How is this so? I think that we expect a lot more than our parents and grandparents ever did. And expectation isnt always a good thing. When we go from hope and dream to expect, a lot of things get lost - humanity for example. Anyway thats enough ramblings from me for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"There are a lot of unhappy and unfulfilled people out there. More so, it seems, than ever before."

And yet, the number of these unhappy people seem to increase at much the same rate as the number of self-help books... Funny that.